How to custom order playlists in Microsoft Lists
In my previous blog post I’ve explained how to create Video Playlists using the new awesome Microsoft Lists playlist template, and today I’m showing how you can tweak it a little bit to organize the videos.
By default, videos are shown in the playlist by the order they were added without an option to sort them differently, but with a small customization this behavior can be easily modified.
Understand Microsoft Lists Comments VS Conversation when using Microsoft Teams
By João Ferreira Feb 11, 2022 Microsoft Lists, Microsoft Teams 0 Comments
Microsoft Lists allows you to create comments for each item and this feature comes handy for scenarios where you have multiple users reading or modifying information in the same item.
Comments are available in all versions of Microsoft Lists however when using a list in Microsoft Teams this feature and the Teams application conversation can be easily mix-up potentially leading to a loss of information.