How to use modern lookup columns in Microsoft Lists

Lookup columns allows you to enforce a relationship between different sources of data in your data system. This feature is a simplistic version of the classic relationship between tables in a data base.

Up until recently this type of data was only available through the classic interface of SharePoint but now it’s made a debut in the modern interface of Microsoft Lists and can be used without jumping between 2 different environments.

Lookup columns


How to create a Kanban board using Microsoft Lists

A Kanban board is a tool created for agile project development that is now available at your fingertips in Microsoft Lists, providing you a better interface to manage work at personal or organizational level.

The new board view provides an interface to that allows you so visualize the various stages of any type of data stored in Microsoft Lists, while at the same time allows you to move them across stages by dragging and dropping items into different buckets.

Microsoft Lists Kanban board view


How to remove a custom list template from Microsoft Lists

Custom list templates are a great solution to easily distribute and deploy your lists to the entire organization, however over time they may need to be removed or updated.

If a template available for your organization no longer makes sense or if you want to deploy a new version first, you should remove the existing one to prevent getting duplicates.

Remove custom list template


How to create a To Do list using SharePoint and Microsoft Lists view formatting – Part 3

After all the work you’ve done to implement the To Do list in Microsoft Lists is a bit disappointing not being able to share it with others.

If you are reading this article after going through the implementation or if you jumped all the configuration steps directly to here let me tell you that once you execute the code I’m providing in this article, all users will be able to take advantage of your new To Do list.

To Do list for SharePoint and Microsoft Lists


How to create a To Do list using SharePoint and Microsoft Lists view formatting – Part 2

With a custom view formatting you can completely transform the look and feel of a list making it work almost as a standalone application.

If you have done all the steps explained in the first part of this article now it is time to improve the layout and the interaction of users with your To Do list.

To Do list for SharePoint and Microsoft Lists


How to create a To Do list using SharePoint and Microsoft Lists view formatting – Part 1

The Microsoft ecosystem has plenty of options for users to store their tasks, Microsoft To Do, Planer and the new Tasks application available in Microsoft Teams are all valid options.

Microsoft Lists on the other hand can be also an option, however there are no readymade templates from Microsoft to create a simple To Do list with an appealing layout.

To Do list for SharePoint and Microsoft Lists


HANDS ON tek – 10 years anniversary

January 10, 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of HANDS ON tek, a blog that I started back in 2012 to write about technology and became a central repository for solutions and articles about Microsoft 365.

To celebrate this milestone, I’m offering 10 copies of my books during the next 10 days, If you would like to get a copy of Hands-On Microsoft Lists or Hands-On Microsoft Teams continue to read the post and fill out the form.


Fix view formatting not showing all items

View formatting allows you transform the way data is displayed in a list using a mix of JSON and HTML, with both together you will be able to create new layouts and even new functionalities for your lists.

Despite all this power there is a known bug that prevents the list from showing more than 30 items once the formatting is applied to a list view.

Float left


How to format a group header to display the week day in Microsoft Lists

While working with Microsoft lists the other day came up with a solution to create a custom list view to display the items created during the current week, before jumping into this article I recommend you have a look to the original post here, to get familiar with this concept.

In this post I’ll show how to format the view group headers using a custom list formatting that shows the day of the week and the number of items created.

How to format a group header to display the week day in Microsoft Lists


How to group items in Microsoft Lists and SharePoint list views

The group items feature in Microsoft Lists and SharePoint lists allows you to group items with the same value in a specific column.

Groups in Microsoft Lists are applied to a view and are displayed as collapsible elements with the group name and the number of items being displayed in the header of the section.

How to group items in Microsoft Lists and SharePoint lists


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.