Revolutionize your data collection: The latest update to Microsoft List forms

Microsoft Lists is a powerful tool designed to help teams stay organized and work more efficiently. Whether you’re tracking tasks, sharing resources, or organizing information, Lists can help streamline your workflow and keep everyone on the same page.

One of the latest announcements to Microsoft Lists is an enhanced forms experience. With this update, creating and managing forms will be easier than ever before. Forms can be designed to look clean and professional, with custom logos, names, and descriptions. And with user-friendly questions instead of column names, respondents can easily understand what information is being requested.

Microsoft Lists new forms


Understand Microsoft Lists Comments VS Conversation when using Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Lists allows you to create comments for each item and this feature comes handy for scenarios where you have multiple users reading or modifying information in the same item.

Comments are available in all versions of Microsoft Lists however when using a list in Microsoft Teams this feature and the Teams application conversation can be easily mix-up potentially leading to a loss of information.

Comments VS Conversations in Microsoft Lists


Share Lists and List items to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has spoiled some of the features that are being developed for Microsoft Lists like the calendar view (watch the video about it here) and a dedicated app for Microsoft Teams, all of this is great but there are still space for improvements and the solution I bring you here today is a proof of that.

SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Lists are three different products that have more in common that it might seem in the first place and with this in mind I’ve decided to develop a solution to connect the 3 platforms with a single click!

SharePoint loves Microsoft Lists


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.