What’s new for Microsoft Lists from Microsoft Ignite 2020

Microsoft Lists are the new kid on the block and even as a newbie in the Microsoft ecosystem it has received a lot of attention during Microsoft Ignite.

Despite being released worldwide in July, Microsoft Lists had also a few announcements and new features showcased during Ignite 2020 and I’m bringing them to you in this posts.

Microsoft Ignite 2020


Share Lists and List items to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has spoiled some of the features that are being developed for Microsoft Lists like the calendar view (watch the video about it here) and a dedicated app for Microsoft Teams, all of this is great but there are still space for improvements and the solution I bring you here today is a proof of that.

SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Lists are three different products that have more in common that it might seem in the first place and with this in mind I’ve decided to develop a solution to connect the 3 platforms with a single click!

SharePoint loves Microsoft Lists


How to open SharePoint lists in Microsoft Lists

Microsoft Lists just start to rollout this week and let me tell you they are awesome!!!

If like me, you are an early adopter you might want to start using it since day one and you can do it even with the old lists you have already in SharePoint.

If you are not familiar with lists yet, you need to know that they are an evolution of SharePoint lists and are now available as new app in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

SharePoint loves Microsoft Lists


Microsoft Lists – Everything you need to know since day one

Microsoft Lists are a brand-new product like the blog where you are writing this article!

Starting today HANDS ON tek has a new section dedicated exclusively to the latest product added to the Microsoft 365, say welcome to Microsoft Lists and HANDS ON list.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.