Transform hyperlink columns into clickable video thumbnails

The possibilities to transform data in SharePoint and Microsoft Lists are endless with the column formatting, and today I will show you an awesome example that transforms hyperlinks into a YouTube clickable video thumbnail with preview.

The example described here is generic and the only requirement it has is the existence of a hyperlink column with an YouTube video link stored in it.

video thumbnail


Convert a single line of text column to hyperlink using SharePoint and Microsoft Lists column formatting

Column formatting is a neat feature that allows you to transform the data displayed in a column using a combination of HTML and JSON, making the data look a lot nicer.

By default, lists allow to change the column type, but unfortunately this is not available to all column types and hyperlinks are not supported. Thankfully we now have column formatting and in this article, I will show you how you can easily convert a link stored in plain text into an hyperlink.

single line of text formatting


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.